In November 2021, along with director Jeff Whiting, producer Oyoyo Bonner, choreographer Nicole Johnson, and music producer Donovan Dorrance, Ted presented selections from HUMAN: A PREHISTORY MUSICAL at the Green Room 42. The cast included Felicia Boswell, Josh Breckenridge, Daryl Tofa, Josephine Spada, Alicia Shumway, Jaymie Inouye, Darrell Purcell Jr., and Jacob Swain.

In summer 2021, Tampico Lasting Love and Ted collaborated on “GOODMORNING”, a pop single.

 Ted wrote book, music, and lyrics for Theodore In The Valley, which was one of Kickstarter’s Projects We Love in spring 2019.

A folk musical about a sickly boy who became President, a journey of healing, and the beginning of America's national parks. 174 backers pledged $10,247 to help bring this project to life. You'll need an HTML5 capable browser to see this content.